Hossein Sharifi, PhD
- Sharifi, H., Lee, L., Campbell K. S & Wenk J. F.
A multiscale finite element model of left ventricular mechanics incorporating baroreflex regulation. Computers in Biology and Medicine (2024).
- Sharifi, H., Mann, C. K., Wenk J. F., & Campbell K. S.
A multiscale model of the cardiovascular system that regulates arterial pressure via closed loop baroreflex control of chronotropism, cell-level contractility, and vascular tone. Biomech Model Mechanobiol (2022).
- Sharifi, H., Mann, C. K., Noor, A. Z., Nikou, A.,Ferguson. C. R., Liu, Z. H., Rockward, A. L., Moonschi, F., Campbell K. S., Leung, S. W., & Wenk J. F.
Reproducibility of systolic strain in mice using cardiac magnetic resonance feature tracking of black-blood cine images. Cardiovasc Eng Tech (2022).
- Sharifi, H., Mann, C. K., Rockward, A. L., Mehri M., Mojumder J., Lee L, Campbell K. S. & Wenk J. F.
Multiscale simulations of left ventricular growth and remodeling. Biophys Rev (2021).
- Sharifi, H., Peiris, A. & Harik, I.
Triage method for load rating bridge size two-cell reinforced concrete boxculverts for the AASHTO LRFD design load.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (2021).